actually i just finish watching Global Talk Show (Misuda) on KBS World... basically the episode was Summer Special where the beauties had a chit chat with the foreigner hotties ^^ and i'm glad, out of the 7 hotties they chose, Malaysian guy was one of it... plus, Poh Jing Chieh is good looking!!!
who said malaysia doesn't have a good looking guy??? hihihi... he is good looking!well, basically this entry just wanna clear some of his unclear explanation on the show that made most of the other panels shocked to death... LMAO! i feel like i wanna jump into the TV and say: NO! NO! THAT's NOT REALLY IT :P
one of the beauty asked him since Malaysia is an Islamic country (70%-80% of M'sia population are muslims) and since the beauties knew that former panel from malaysia, Sophia can't drink alcohol since she's a muslim, so, they asked him whether it is really true that Malaysian can't drink alcohol... well, he explained it well just he didn't emphasize the most imporatnt thing, ALL THE STUFF HE SAID ABOUT WHAT YOU CAN'T DO IN MALAYSIA ONLY IMPLY TO MUSLIM... that means can't drink alcohol, being alone with your partner if you are unmarried etc~~~ these rules only imply to muslim and for non-muslim, there's no restriction for them to drink or for them to be alone with their partner although they are unmarried...
we have plenty of clubs, bars here in Malaysia for people to chill out and clubbing! even, there's no restriction for a muslim in Malaysia to enter a club! but when it comes to alcohol drink, it is not only muslim in malaysia, as long as you are a muslim, (no matter where you stay in the world) A MUSLIM CAN'T DRINK OR TOUCH ALCOHOL EVEN A DROP! but, in the end it is up to the individual... but for non-muslim, you can drink whenever or wherever that you want it! there's no restriction in malaysian law that you can't drink alcohol! even, you can buy an alcoholic drink at 7-eleven! so, no one gonna arrest you for holding an alcoholic drink in public... but, as for muslim, you can be caught of drinking alcohol and be charged under syariah law! and this syariah law only imply to muslim!
same goes with being alone with your partner without married! if you are a non-muslim's couple, there's no restriction for you to be in the same room/place alone! no one gonna knock your door's room and arrest you for that but again, for muslim, YES! YOU CAN GET ARRESTED BY JAWI/JAKIM (ISLAMIC's OFFICER), IF YOU ARE CAUGHT BEING ALONE AT QUITE PLACE WITH YOUR PARTNER AND YOU ARE UNMARRIED! coz in Islam, if you are not married, it is a sin for you to be alone with your partner! let me give an example, when a couple, one is a muslim & the partner is non-muslim, when they got caught by the Islamic's officer, the muslim will be charged under syariah law while for the non-muslim, the person will get release WITHOUT ANY CHARGES! owh, whether you are muslim or non-muslim, no one gonna caught you holding your partner's hand in public... ;)
and, the most funny part was when Poh explained that if the couple got caught, they have to get married! ROFL~~~ Poh-ah... did you watch a malay drama for that information??? kekeke... coz, yeah! sometimes malay drama brought false information when a couple get caught, they will force to get marry! well, there's no rules in syariah law said that once you get caught, you have to get married! but, usually they will be advised to get marry (not on the spot), so the 'haram' relationship will turn to 'halal' relationship! just, for a muslim being caught of this so called 'khalwat' can bring an embaressment to the family!
i hope i'm not offendeing anyone with my explanation in here! just, it was a bit disappointed seeing the panels reaction with Poh's explanation coz they looked kinda scared about being in Malaysia! hahaha... Malaysia is not scary though! as long as you don't murder a person, than there's nothing for you to afraid of! peace ^^