Monday, July 22, 2013


It has been awhile I'm updating the latest 2PM's stuffs that I bought and added to my collection. It's quite a lot actually... hahahaha

Anyway, 2PM has released their 3rd full length album, after 2 freaking years T__T The comeback is totally worth the wait. Me being the fan, ended up bought all 3 versions of the album. I just couldn't resist.

I like the album so much... of coz my most favourite song is All Day I Think Of You (A.D.T.O.Y) a.k.a Ha.Ni.Ppun.
Grown A, B & Grand Edition

ps: Boys have really grown up ^^

Monday, July 15, 2013


I'm feeling good today, so, I've decided to post this very 1st self composition of my baby boo, Wooyoung of 2PM. This is soooo my lullaby... hahahaha.



This is so funny. I've been a K-pop's fan for 5 years, and rarely update myself with the local industry. Most of my everyday life is fulled with K-pop's stuff or to be precised, 2PM. I do sometimes tweet/update any of Malay's song that I'm currently listen to, but it was never to the extent that I'm updating about local industry more than my K-pop's obsession especially on Twitter. Well, you can even see from this blog itself, which I've not been blogging since March, and suddenly I've posted 4 entries this month, and all is about local industry.

Even this surprised myself, and how about the people around me? UNBELIEVABLE... hahaha! The biggest reaction of coz from my beloved Hottest's t-listeu & my partner-in-crime, LumosNY. The moment when I kept tweeting about SSID & Izzue Islam's non stop for 2 days, she tweeted: "Wawa, jangan ko tinggalkan MYHottest dan buka forum Izzue sudah" (don't you leave MYHottest and create Izzue's forum)... I really wanna laugh my ass out when I read this. aigoooyaaaa! Actually that was when I realised I've been spazzing another artist too much which I never did before.

Don't worry so much k... Do you think after what we've been through for the past 4 years, I'm gonna leave you, 2PM & MYHottest? Ihiks... I'll never do that! Let's work harder for 2PM. But please bear with my spazz on Izzue too ok LOL. Thanks for layan-ing me kuikui

Then reaction from other t-listeu (a.k.a kak jalilah, kak roji & kak piji), forever layan-ing my Izzue's craze. Terima kasih melayan gadis sorang ini yer... hahahaha

One of my ex-colleague was surprised when suddenly I've been FB-ing, Instagram-ing in BM... hahahaha! she even asked, what happen since since she's been knowing me the 'K-pop girl' LOL

Family's reaction is nothing much. Mama is used to my celeb craze. From BSB (in 1997), to Vince & Amirul (2003 - 2006), K-pop (2008 till now) & latest Izzue... She layan kan je anak dia yang sorang ni.

Whether it's K-pop or local industry, once I got into it, I'll never turn back.

ps: this is my life. it might look childish but hey, who are you to judge me ;)


Believe me, it has been awhile that I'm admiring a local artist. Sejak mula pandai berkecimpung dalam dunia fangirling ni, hanya 2 artis je kat Malaysia ni yang pernah buat Wawa mengikut career mereka secara serius: Vince AF & Amirul AF (ok, I used to be a hardcore Akademi Fantasia's fan LMAO)

While I'm still following Vince's career and activity closely (once a BF, always a BF ^^), I can't say anything much about Amirul ;) So, never, in my thought, I'll like another Malaysian artist after I got myself into K-pop 5 years ago. Though a lot of people condemning K-pop so much, but K-pop does change my view towards what type of artist should I like & support.

Izzue Islam... Secara terus-terang, Wawa baru je kenal dan tahu kewujudan dia dalam industri hiburan kat Malaysia ni 3 minggu lepas. Call me ignorance or whatsoever, but as much as I'm choosy when it comes to K-pop artist that I like (that's why I only end-up with one K-pop artist that I truly love, 2PM), it's the same with Malaysian artist too. 

Izzue as Azlan in Cita & Cinta

Ok, back to Izzue. Kenal dia sebab drama Sebenarnya Saya Isteri Dia (SSID). Silalah scroll ke bawah untuk membaca entry tentang SSID. At first tengok dia dalam drama tu biasa-biasa je sebab layan drama ni pun on & off. Tapi, lama-lama layan, I started to like the character of Firash which leads me to check out the actor who acted as Firash too. Because terlalu suka dengan watak Firash & SSID storyline, Wawa belilah novel, and the more I read the novel, the more I like the character of Firash Arshad. And, when I compare the character in the novel & drama, the drama has really brought the character of Firash Arshad alive.

That's when I realised how Izzue Islam has wow-ing me with his acting. But to just judge based on one drama is not enough. For me, once I've started like a celeb, I'll try to dig their past works. So, I ended up watching Bunga Merah Punya (BMP). AND! THIS IS ONE OF THE BEST MALAY DRAMA I EVER WATCHED. Izzue has really open my eyes how he's one of the best Malaysian actor I ever known. His acting as Merah, was really impressive and he really can sing!!!

I didn't stop with SSID & BMP coz the next drama of him that I watched was Cita & Cinta. The younger version of Izzue LOL. Again, I was impressed with his acting. Legit! This guy can really act. 

Full Name: 
Muhammad Izzul Islam Bin Mazlan

2 June 1990

Fan letter:

Dear Izzue,

I'm really glad that I have the chance to bump into your work & ended up admiring it.
You're one great actor & keep up the good work.
You still have a long way to go, and I believe if you keep being humble in everything that you're doing, one day, you'll be a big star. I'll pray for that to happen.
Wishing you all the best in your career & personal life.

A fan who admires you so much ;)

ps: he's in the group of Forteen too. not a fan, tapi all the best gak for his singing career with Forteen.
psps: not going to follow him everywhere. kalau rajin & ada event dia yang menarik & kena pada masa, akan diskodeng secara legal LOL.
pspsps: can't believe that he's actually same age with my 2PM's babies, Junho & Chansung.

Friday, July 12, 2013


Banyak orang fikir Wawa dah tak dengar lagu Melayu sangat, walaupun statement tu taklah berapa nak betul. 

Well, it's true since ever I was introduced to K-pop's music, I rarely listen to new Malay's song. I still prefer songs before my K-pop days. Tapi, if terdengar mana-mana lagu baru Melayu yang best, still akan layan.

Ok, so, lagu Embun Pagi ni terdengar time tengah dok godek-godek video Bunga Merah Punya *coughIzzueIslamcough* kat Youtube. Trylah dengar lagu-lagu untuk drama ni, and bila dengar Embun Pagi 1st time, terus suka.

Sejak dah berumur sikit ni (LOL), taste music Melayu pun bertukar la sikit... Prefer music yang jenis lullaby gitu.

Embun menitis di jendela
Tanda mentari akan tiba
Nun jauh di sana... di balik hati hiba

Tiada lagi duka dan nestapa
Tiada lagi gelap gelita
Hanya senyum di bibirnya

Terima kasih... oh, kekanda
Buat hatiku... gembira
Terima kasih... semua

Embun menitis di jendela
Tanda mentari akan tiba
Nun jauh di sana... di balik hati hiba

Tiada lagi duka dan nestapa
Tiada lagi gelap gelita
Hanya senyum di bibirnya

Terima kasih... oh, adinda
Buat hatiku... gembira
Terima kasih... semua

Terima kasih... oh, kekanda
Buat diriku... gembira
Terima kasih... semua
Buat diriku... bermakna
Terima kasih (2x)... semua

ps: skang ni tengah layan drama Bunga Merah Punya, memang bestlah drama ni dengan lagu-lagu yang awesome ^^

Monday, July 8, 2013


Tiba-tiba terasa nak blog tentang final episode yang ditayangkan Jumaat lepas. It was an OK finale, but I can't say I'm fully satisfied. Nilah bahana nya kalau dah baca novel dulu LOL.

I think ending dia agak abrupt & rush? Especially part bila Firash & Syaf akhirnya berbaik time kat pejabat. Blur la sekejap tiba-tiba Firash cakap terima kasih kat Syaf. Walaupun saya baca novel dia, tapi ending drama & novel memang agak berbeza. Jadi, memang sangat blur la time tu. At least if ada sedikit scene why Syaf akhirnya ambik keputusan untuk maafkan Firash, maybe taklah terasa cam abrupt sangat.

Oh, scene Rania & mak dia cuba merosakkan majlis persandingan Firash & Syaf, that's so Malay drama... hahahaha! Anyway, just like I said earlier, I'm ok with it. Still jugak tengok few times & tersengih cam kerang busuk dengan kecomelan Firash & Syaf... ihiks!

Oh, how did I spent watching the final episode? On Wednesday, finally it was confirmed akan ada tayangan episod akhir secara terbuka di Rasta, TTDI bersama Izzue Islam. Of coz lah saya melompat kegembiraan coz akhirnya dapatlah jugak jumpa Izzue LOL!

So, on Friday, with my other 2 friends, sesi menonton SSID bersama Izzue, Ikhlas (a.k.a Fiqri in SSID) & Aman (a.k.a Mie in SSID) was fun yet tiring HAHAHA. Dah lama sebenarnya tak join event artis-artis Malaysia yang dipenuhi dengan peminat. Tapi dalam kelam-kabut tu, masih dapat chance ambik selca dengan Izzue Islam. Walaupun dipenyekkan bak sardin dalam tin, peluang bergambar itu memang sangat precious.

Me & Izzue ^^
ps: Tak sempat ambik autograph Izzue & Kak Zura (a.k.a penulis novel SSID) sebab drama dah nak start time tu. Hanya sempat ambik Aman nyer autograph je /craiiii
psps: Nasiblah bawak instax sebab camera biasa macam haram jadah plak malam tu, dan campur lagi suasana Rasta yang gelap macam candle light dinner LOL
pspsps: Legit Izzue adalah sangat cute... hahaha

Tuesday, July 2, 2013


*The whole entry will be in BM (mixing with English), bahasa ibunda saya... hehehe & it will be a very-very long entry*

Dah lama sebenarnya dah tak layan drama Melayu, apatah lagi novel. Sejak ber-kpop, dah jarang follow drama Melayu. Bukan sebab tak minat langsung ke apa, tapi kebanyakkan cerita-cerita Melayu lebih sesuai untuk ibu-ibu... Hahaha! Walaupun diri ni takde lah nak berapa muda, tapi memang kureng nak tengok cerita-cerita yang terlalu berat macam Adam & Hawa. Afterall, this attitude of mine also including a k-drama that I wanna watch.

Last Malay drama yang tengok & memang layan habis-habisan adalah Vanila Coklat. Itu pun last year. Pastu adalah jugak layan drama-drama Michael Ang sebab hero dia jejaka idaman Indonesia saya, Randy Pangalila :p


Both Izzue & Tiz played the characters of Firash Arshad & Syafa Aqira well ;)
Masa mula-mula drama ni nak tayang, memang tak tahulah apa-apa tentang upcoming Malay drama as usual. Jangan kata drama, wujudnya novel SSID kat Malaysia ni pun tak tahu LOL. 

Setiap hari Jumaat pukul 9 malam, memang dah set untuk menonton Korean Show kat channel ONE. Jadi, memang nan hadolah nak tune channel lain. First time tertengok sikit drama ni, bulan April kot. Bila dah habis je cerita Korea pukul 9.45, terus mama suruh tukar TV3. Dalam hati, cerita Melayu apalah yang mama aku nak layan lagi ni...

Tak ingatlah episod berapa time tu, tapi adalah 1st few episodes. Walaupun tak berapa nak tengok, berapa kali lah gak sibuk tanya mama ni cerita tentang apa, siapa pelakon dia since yang kenal dalam tu hanyalah Tiz Zaqyah. Pelakon lelaki utama, maaflah saya tak kenal dia masa itu (Sorry, Izzue).

Tapi disebabkan time tu memang still nak tengok cerita Korea kat channel ONE (sebab saya peminat 2PM yang tegar LOL), tiap hari Jumaat je, selalu terlupa nak ingatkan mama cerita tu walaupun dia boleh je tengok cerita tu kat TV bilik dia (multiroom astro... ahahaha)

Tapi sejak 2 - 3 minggu lepas (reaksi yang terlalu lambat), kadang-kadang time commercial break cerita Korea tu, bukaklah layan sekejap. Ketawa lah gak tengok dengan gelagat Firash Arshad tu. And tetiba rasa pelakon yang membawa watak Firash Arshad tu agak cute & handsome. In the end, i'm a fangirl :p

Last week, sekali lagi dapatlah layan the last 30 minutes SSID. Sangat tetiba yer macam tergerak hati nak layan, and surprisingly, tengok dalam masa 30 minit terakhir tu, terus jatuh cinta dengan drama tu & *ehem* pelakon lelaki dia juga, Izzue Islam (oh, tapi hanya sebagai peminat! ahahahaha).

Lepas je habis drama tu, terkontang-kanting spazz kat twitter nak tahu kat mana boleh layan previous episodes, dan time tu jugalah dapat tahu yang episod seterusnya adalah episod akhir (craiiii). Of coz t-listeu saya semuanya baik hati, dan dengan bantuan Mr. Google, jumpa blog yang membolehkan saya download Ep 1 - 12. Proses mendownload ambil masa sehari, & mulai Sabtu, 10 malam, saya mula menonton SSID dari episod 1, dan terus layan semua 12 episodes till 5am. Just, I can't stop watching it.

SSID is really a good drama. The chemistry between Izzue Islam & Tiz Zaqyah is totally awesome. Storyline jangan cakaplah, coz kalau tak, takdelah saya ni melayan sehingga pukul 5 pagi ^^


My novel ^^
Disebabkan suka sangat dengan drama ni, memang teringin sangat nak baca novel dia. I don't like to read. Tapi sepanjang hidup ni, hanya ada satu je novel yang paling suka tapi dah tak ingat tajuk sebab tu zaman sekolah menengah.

So, bought the novel at the bookstore nearby my house, and balik je terus baca. How awesome the drama is, the novel is much more awesome. Novel lebih banyak moment Firash & Syaf yang tak boleh nak sumbat semua dalam drama. And I knew it's a good novel, when I fall in love with the character of Firash LOL. Plus, scene-scene yang tak boleh nak tayang lebih-lebih, jadi baca novel jelah jawabnya.

ps: Sure akan rewatch the drama & re-read the novel coz Firash & Syaf are so cute together.
psps: Harap-harap ada lah movie version... ehehehehe