245 days from now or 8 months from now, i'll be flying to South Korea for a one week trip... weeeee! can't wait for it.... me & lumos have been talking about it & plan all the places that we should go although we still have 8 months... ihiks!
245 DAYS!!!!!!
wah, sumpah jealous ni!
OMGSUN!!!go korea for a trip? backpacking ke apa? omg..jealous ni XD
don't be jealous! u'll get ur chance one day...
ha ah... backpacking... kekekeke!
hye wawa! wa.. nak pergi korea ye. saya pun akan ke korea untuk pertama kalinya awal bulan 6.. 6 hari 5 mlam.. tengah counting days ni. hari-hari berdoa cepatlah masa berlalu. dah tak sabar!
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