Wednesday, May 17, 2017


Ok, this is quite a surprised. Asalnya nak tengok gitu-gitu je, sekali tahu-tahu, dah episod 2, pastu 3... and till this entry, dah tengok latest episod, episod 7. Dah terjebak secara serius, dan masa tidak boleh lagi diundur :p

Dah lama sebenarnya tak tengok drama Thai. Dulu zaman time muda-mudi (a.k.a school/college days), drama yang paling layan dan follow was Freshie High School.

The original Princess Hours a.k.a Korean Version a.k.a Goong is one of my all time favourite K-drama. And I do know, banyak country yang buat remake tapi tak pernah la pulak nak check-it out. But I don't know why, when I bumped a FB conversation on my newsfeed on this Thai's version, tergerak hati nak cek. And, as per my 1st paragraph, tahu-tahu dah terjebak... LOL...

What I like about the drama, while the main storyline is known, the scenes are not totally as per the Korean version. That what makes it exciting because you wouldn't know what happens next. Plus, this Thai version is more comical than the original and the chemistry between the main casts (ie. Prince Inn & Khaning) are totally awesome.

This drama is still airing in Thailand, and it is now at Episode 7. So, yeah... I need to wait till next week for new episode >,<

Friday, April 10, 2015


Upper Note: This entry will be a mix of Eng-BM

So, dah 3 bulan since I've been married to a wonderful man. Hihihi... Nope! Nope! I'm not celebrating a 3-month-sary, just I'm so amused how fast the time flew.

Life kalau tak bertukar secara 360 darjah, sekurang-kurangnya 180 darjah lar. Contohnya, time belum kahwin, memang agak pemalas lar nak masak-memasak ni. Since duduk berdua je ngan mama, jadi kitaorang ni macam wanita-wanita bujang gitu... Hahahaha... Almost everyday makan di kedai jer.
But since dah kahwin, kerajinan tu memang datang dengan sendirinya. Rajin pulak nak memasak walaupun kadang-kadang penat balik kerja. But still, since my work nature bukan 9am-5pm nyer working hours, so most of the time during weekdays, it's mama who will be doing the cooking. If terpaksa tunggu diri ni, memang pukul 10 atau 11 malam baru makan. Itupun kalau sampai rumah pukul 8... Huhuhu...

Then, jarang gak dah keluar rumah pergi minum or lepak dengan kawan-kawan walaupun time belum kahwin pun bukan lah selalu keluar pun. Just at least for both of us, memang asyik duduk rumah je lar. Keluar dating pun dah jarang. Let me quote what he said when I raised this thing to him:

"Dulu nak jumpa tentulah nak kena keluar dating. Sekarang dah tiap-tiap hari jumpa."

Apa lagi mau cakap? Pasrah je lah... Hahahaha... Ada satu ayat last tu buat diri terharu gitu... Kuikuikui...

We're still have a long way to go and masih cuba untuk mengenali diri masing-masing.Please keep watching and pray for our marriage to last till Jannah :)

Wednesday, April 8, 2015


So, I went and watched Fast & Furious 7 last Sunday. I loveeeee that movie so much. It's a bittersweet movie as all of us know Paul Walker passed away before he could finish filming the movie.

Not gonna give a spoiler but, at the end of the movie was quite emotional when all the characters indirectly saying goodbye to Brian O'connor or to be exact to Paul Walker. And I cried... Hahaha...

Well, the scene showed with the song below as background. A song with a deep meaning which suits the whole scene :)

It's been a long day without you my friend
And I'll tell you all about it when I see you again
We've come a long way from where we began
Oh I'll tell you all about it when I see you again
When I see you again
Damn who knew all the planes we flew
Good things we've been through
That I'll be standing right here
Talking to you about another path I
Know we loved to hit the road and laugh
But something told me that it wouldn't last
Had to switch up look at things different see the bigger picture
Those were the days hard work forever pays now I see you in a better place
How could we not talk about family when family's all that we got?
Everything I went through you were standing there by my side
And now you gonna be with me for the last ride
It's been a long day without you my friend
And I'll tell you all about it when I see you again
We've come a long way from where we began
Oh I'll tell you all about it when I see you again
when I see you again
First you both go out your way
And the vibe is feeling strong and what's
Small turn to a friendship a friendship
Turn into a bond and that bond will never
Be broke and the love will never get lost
And when brotherhood come first then the line
Will never be crossed established it on our own
When that line had to be drawn and that line is what
We reach so remember me when I'm gone
How could we not talk about family when family's all that we got?
Everything I went through you were standing there by my side
And now you gonna be with me for the last ride
So let the light guide your way hold every memory
As you go and every road you take will always lead you home
It's been a long day without you my friend
And I'll tell you all about it when I see you again
We've come a long way from where we began
Oh I'll tell you all about it when I see you again
When I see you again 

ps: heard there'll be Furious 8... oh! heyyyyy... never say goodbye... hihihi

Wednesday, February 25, 2015


I've been hooked with a lot of English/Malay/Indo songs lately, although some of the songs are still not up to my par of listening *cough selimut tentangga cough*. Seems like I've managed to pull myself away from the K-Pop's craze that I've been following passionately since 2009. Maybe only 2PM will only bring me back to check out what's interesting in the latest of K-Pop's world sometimes. 

Ok, back to the post's title, I just found out this song 2 days ago although my husband said this song is quite popular on the local radio right now. Macam manakah isteri dia ni tak tahu???? Sebab bila memandu saya hanya dengar radio Inggeris semata-mata dan hanya dengar radio Melayu bila naik kereta dengan dia atau mama... hahahaha...

Well, this is such a cute song, but very meaningful. Of coz, I've dedicated this song to my Love... kuikuikui *gedik mode*. This song is basically summing up what I'm feeling right now after a month plus being someone's wifey.

Jujur ku mengakui
Pantas ku beri
Seribu pujian buat kamu

Jauh di dalam hati
Selalu ku rasa
Bersyukur aku mengenangmu
Kerna cinta dari kamu
Jadikan aku
Wanita terbahagia di dunia

Bersama kamu
Ku jadi tahu
Artinya waktu
Lebih berharga dari harta di dunia

Bersama kamu
Ku rasa jauh
Lebih mengerti
Arti cinta tanpa harus mengucapkan cinta

Kamu ku yakin tahu
Ku yakin sama
Tujuanmu dengan tujuanku

Jauh di dalam hati
Selalu ku rasa
Bersyukur aku mengenangmu
Kerna cinta dari kamu
Jadikan aku
Wanita terbahagia di dunia

Bersama kamu
Ku jadi tahu
Artinya waktu
Lebih berharga dari harta di dunia

Bersama kamu
Ku rasa jauh
Lebih mengerti
Arti cinta tanpa harus mengucapkan cinta

ps: kalau lagu ni dah ada tuk karaoke, memanglah harus jadi lagu wajib untuk dikarok

Wednesday, January 21, 2015


Alhamdulillah... It has been 11 days since I've become a 'Mrs' to a wonderful man :p After the proposal in April, and the engagement in August, we've been waiting patiently for our big day. 

Alhamdulillah, everything went well, and I've become a wife with sekali lafaz... How's my life has changed so far? Of coz, there's more responsibility now but so far so good... Looking forward with this new status of mine...

2 event down, and 1 more to go... My husband's side reception this Saturday... Wedding is so tiring I tell you but it's all worth it.

Monday, December 1, 2014


So, pejam-celik-pejam-celik, December is finally here! In a blink of an eye, 2014 is gonna reach its closure...

And of course. today (1st Dec) marked 41 days before I'm going to seal the deal... Bahasa mudahnya, lagi 41 hari dari tarikh nak kahwin... LOL... Banyak lah jugak yang dah settle dan dalam progress... Tinggal benda-benda kecik je yang nak settle... Proses kebenaran kahwin pun dah settle dengan mudah... Alhamdulillah...

Jadi, ada apa dengan Disember? This whole month, I'll be busy with works... Yes *cry*... Nasib hal-hal penting banyak dah settle... But, December can be quite special for me and him... We 'met' for the first time last year, 14 December... It's kinda our unofficial anniversary gitu. Plus, both of us can't remember the exact date kitaorang jadi an official couple... Tak berapa nak penting sangat put sebab lepas ni, tarikh yang penting untuk diingat setiap tahun adalah tarikh nikah... Muehehehe...

Okies... This post will end here... Nantikan post, ADA APA DENGAN JANUARY plak... hahaha

ps: he's turning THIRTY on 13 December :p

Monday, October 27, 2014


So, I'm still counting to my big day... And, the normal FAQ I've received from colleague, ex-colleague, "Is your fiancé from the same line?" Hahahaha... Kelakar rasanya bila semua orang dalam line ni mempunyai the same thought!

Those who don't know, I'm working in the advertising line... Working in this line means: SLEEPLESS NIGHTS, LIMITED SOCIAL LIFE...

Seriously, I'm not lying. I've been in this line dah nak masuk 5 tahun. First 3 years were not that bad coz my first advertising company won't really let me learn how client servicing life works. Now, with my current company, I've learnt how to be a 'full-time' client servicing. Believe me your life will change 360 degrees.

There's no such things of 9 to 5 working hours. If you could go back at 7 to 8pm, it will be haven for you... Hahaha! Memang agak normal you'll find a lot of single people in this line OR they ended up with people in the same line. Jadi, soalan yang ditanya memang sangat relevant untuk kami ni... Plus, I don't really go out to 'meet' new people.

Advertising vs. Engineering

Untuk dijadikan cerita, so, I do receive the question a lot, and when I said, "No, he's an engineer", everyone will feel amused how do I've time to meet a 'guy'... Well, senang kata, kalau dah jodoh, semuanya akan dipermudahkan Allah s.w.t.

Ok, done for now... See you in the next entry!

Friday, October 24, 2014


Hahaha... Time-time tengah bosan tak ada kerja ni, saja lah dok baca balik some of my earlier posts... Kira time zaman budak-budak lagi... LOL... Tapi, bila fikir, tak ada lah budak-budak sangat sebab I started this blog when I was already 24 years old. Jadi, tak sure la nak panggil itu zaman apa... Kuikuikui... 

Yang pasti, bila baca balik memang rasa sangat budak-budak dan tak matang (sejak bila lah Wawa ni dah matang pulak kan). Most of the posts regarding K-pop la yer... Just, boleh nampak beza post awal-awal K-pop dengan after 2-3 years. Terasa nak delete pun ada sebab malu kat diri sendiri bila baca tapi biarkan je lar... Agak-agak kalau Wawa terasa bosan tu nak cari hiburan untuk diri sendiri, boleh lah baca... hihihi... Tapi adalah beberapa post yang dah delete disebabkan sensitiviti...

Done for today... Tatatititutu... Assalamualaikum...

Tuesday, October 21, 2014



Rasanya blog ni dah berhabuk sebab dah lama tak update... This entry will be mostly in BM (tapi ada mix with English), sebab macam selesa plak nak berblog dalam BM kali ni. Tulis ni macam lah ada orang baca kan? Takpelah, nak syok sendiri je pun.

Tahun ni, Wawa ada 3 entries je... Hahahaha! Memang takde mood nak menulis disebabkan kekangan waktu... So, entry ni kira cam summary for the whole 2014 year walaupun ada lagi 2 bulan. And a lot of things have changed in my life... A good one of course :)


Alhamdulillah... Tahun ni dah 2 tahun Wawa kerja dekat company sekarang ni. Rasa bless sangat dekat sini walaupun terlampau lah sibuk. Pernah lar gak kerja dari pukul 9 pagi till 5 petang keesokan harinya... Memang pecah rekod lar...

Anyway, I'm working in the advertising industry... Life in this industry boleh jadi hectic sangat tapi my company try to make sure you'll have your own quality time instead of kerja sampai tak boleh buat benda lain. Tapi, kalau ada big big job, nak tak nak memang tiap-tiap hari balik pukul 3-4 pagi la yer... Time tu kalau dapat balik sebelum pukul 12 malam, memang sangat haven lar.

Ni time dah bosan kat ofis. Selfie like nobody business. Tapi ni gambar 2013.
To be at my current situation now, bukanlah senang yer, tapi bukanlah susah jugak. Alhamdulillah, Allah memang permudahkan diri ni bila bab kerja. I'm a client servicing, with Account Manager's (AM) position. Baru je naik pangkat awal tahun ni :) Sebelum tu, setahun setengah pegang position Account Executive (AE). Selalunya, kita akan naik as Senior AE dulu, tapi sebab my AD & GM satisfied with my performance, I was promoted straight to AM. Bersyukur sangat.

So far, memang tak ada niat untuk tukar kerja or tukar company sebab masih banyak yang harus dipelajari. Jadi, duduk lah diam-diam kat company sekarang ni dulu yer :)


Seriously, I don't know what should I say about this obsession of mine. Sekarang ni memang macam dah tak minat sangat dengan the industry, and the one is keeping me to be part of this community, 2PM. Rasanya, kalau 2PM tak ada, memang I'm out of this obsession.

The main reason why suddenly I was no longer interested because of my work load. I've no time to update myself with all the latest news, hence, tanpa sedar I was no longer attached to it.

Rindunya dengan dorky boys ni!
But, work load was not the only one that restricted me to keep myself update with it... I've realised, the industry that used to give me happiness was no longer it used to be. It's way too mainstream, and it wasn't as exclusive as it used to be.

Hahaha... Cakap tentang K-pop je terus English non-stop :p I knew and was introduced to K-pop back in 2008. Jadi, I knew what I was talking about. Well, things changed, and I'll just keep it to myself.


Ok, bab ni mungkin akan panjang sikit. EXPECTED THE UNEXPECTED *wink*

Tahun ni, wawa dah menginjak ke dunia BMW 3-series... LOL... Of course, Wawa nampak macam budak baru lepas SPM, tapi, sila percaya, I am THIRTY years old. Capslock lagi ok!

Alhamdulillah, Wawa masih diberi kesempatan olehNya untuk terus bernafas. Tiap-tiap tahun even last year, selalulah cakap kat diri sendiri bila dah nak dekat masuk new year, together with my partner-in-crime, Lumos, jom cari boyfriend... Hahaha... Masalahnya kan kitaorang cakap je, carinya tidak. Balik-balik kitaorang gugu-gaga dengan boyfriend maya kitaorang... Kalaulah cari boyfriend macam cari ikan kat pasar, memang senang hidup ni, tak payah nak dengar orang asik tanya, 'bila nak kahwin'. Penat hey, nak menjawab...

So, macam early December tahun lepas tu memang still dengan resolusi tiap-tiap hari, JOM CARI BOYFRIEND! But, unexpectedly I found one... Hihihi... How was it happened? Senang kata, expected the unexpected :p

Cute tak kami? LOL... Blurkan muka si dia sebab fefeeling retis gittew :p
Dipendekkan cerita, alhamdulillah bulan Ogos hari tu, I got engaged. And insyaAllah, kalau dipanjangkan jodoh, bulan Januari tahun depan kami akan berkahwin. Kalau difikirkan memang semuanya berlaku dengan pantas. We'll get married a year after we've met... Tapi dah jodoh dan takdir... Hehehe.

Ok... I'll stop here for now. Kalau rajin, akan update lagi yer... Tatatititutu

Tuesday, October 7, 2014


I'm currently into this song... The music makes me wanna dance baybeh... Hahaha... It is not about the size peepurrrr :)

Because you know
I'm all about that bass
'Bout that bass, no treble
I'm all about that bass
'Bout that bass, no treble
I'm all about that bass
'Bout that bass, no treble
I'm all about that bass
'Bout that bass

Yeah, it's pretty clear, I ain't no size two
But I can shake it, shake it
Like I'm supposed to do
'Cause I got that boom boom that all the boys chase
And all the right junk in all the right places

I see the magazine workin' that Photoshop
We know that shit ain't real
C'mon now, make it stop
If you got beauty beauty, just raise 'em up
'Cause every inch of you is perfect
From the bottom to the top

Yeah, my mama she told me don't worry about your size
She says, "Boys like a little more booty to hold at night."
You know I won't be no stick figure silicone Barbie doll
So if that's what you're into then go ahead and move along

Because you know I'm
All about that bass
'Bout that bass, no treble
I'm all about that bass
'Bout that bass, no treble
I'm all about that bass
'Bout that bass, no treble
I'm all about that bass
'Bout that bass

I'm bringing booty back
Go ahead and tell them skinny bitches that
No I'm just playing. I know you think you're fat
But I'm here to tell ya
Every inch of you is perfect from the bottom to the top

Yeah my mama she told me don't worry about your size
She says, "Boys like a little more booty to hold at night."
You know I won't be no stick figure silicone Barbie doll
So if that's what you're into then go ahead and move along

Because you know I'm
All about that bass
'Bout that bass, no treble
I'm all about that bass
'Bout that bass, no treble
I'm all about that bass
'Bout that bass, no treble
I'm all about that bass
'Bout that bass

Because you know I'm
All about that bass
'Bout that bass, no treble
I'm all about that bass
'Bout that bass, no treble
I'm all about that bass
'Bout that bass, no treble
I'm all about that bass
'Bout that bass

Because you know I'm
All about that bass
'Bout that bass, no treble
I'm all about that bass
'Bout that bass, no treble
I'm all about that bass
'Bout that bass, no treble
I'm all about that bass
'Bout that bass
'Bout that bass, 'bout that bass
Hey, hey, ooh
You know you like this bass